Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Identity Questions

Identity Questions

4. If you are different from the norm, people will label you as something specific.
I agree with this statement as I believe people feel a need to stereotype and label certain people for a variety of reasons. People like to pigeonhole certain groups so they can ridicule that group of people, either for their own amusement or to fit in with other people who like to ridicule that group. Some people go out of their way to differentiate themselves from what is considered the norm, often with the sole intention of being labelled as a certain stereotype (i.e. Goth, Punk, Nerd etc.). Sometimes these stereotypes are intentionally achieved because people like to feel part of group or to sublimate their true personality which they may be unhappy with.

5. There is no longer one representation of either gender.
While I believe that there are still representations that we associate exclusively with either men or women, I believe that there are many more representations than there have been in previous years and that what constitutes feminine and masculine behaviour and appearance is much more open ended and accepted by the public in general. Women are no longer looked upon as homemakers and child bearers, now it is commonplace for women to take on high stress jobs that were previously the reserve of men; women are now much more likely to go to college and other forms of higher education. Men are no longer expected to be strong, stoic independent people who are always in control of their lives, men are now much more open about their thoughts and feelings and don’t have to be stereotypical masculine men. Men are now expected to take better care of their personal appearances and often use a range of hygiene products; just a few decades ago this would be looked upon as habits reserved exclusively for women. It is now commonplace for women to wear jeans and other clothing that was previously considered un-feminine.

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